Sunday, December 19

Moving forward

Let me be real with you. I want to move forward, and on. I have held on to my emptiness for far too long. It is not that I've held on to it because I've wanted to; trust me, this emptiness has not had a warm welcome into my heart. I think that sometimes it seems easier to be sad and bitter and to wait for things to magically get better than to take the steps towards healing. I have allowed the enemy to come and steal my joy and my passions for far too long. In fact, I think I openly gave them away. The callouses on the tips of my fingers have been long gone from the lack of worship being played on my guitar. My journal pages have been left so empty from the lack of passion to hold an honest conversation with God. My Bible, dusty, from my incredibly prideful heart. Paul said,"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." The truth is that God has not abandoned me. He has not forgotten me. This truth needs to be enough for me because if it isn't then everything I do is in vain.

I am so thankful that God has placed an amazing man of God in my life that helped me to realize all of this tonight. A man that has been so incredibly patient and kind with me. A man that has reminded my heart of what Jesus looks like and because of this a spark of hope has been reignited within me.

God, let my offenses in this world no longer separate me from You.

Love is enough
& I'm diving back in.

[please pray for me]


Hilary Cauchon said...

This post totally reminded me of a favorite Beth Moore quote of mine: "Be careful not to give too much credence to the old adage that time heals. Mark my word. It's God that heals."

Thanks for being so open about your heart. It's encouraging. Love your blog & love you! said...

Sometimes I think that the longer you are unhappy - the happier you will be when you finally find what you were looking for.