Wednesday, March 2


I have such great conviction in my heart tonight. I spent a good 5+ hours studying (straight through), and decided to take a break. I turned on some music and a love song to the Lord began to play. My heart tugged, and I wanted to cry. I realized that I am missing the intimacy with the Lord that I used to have. I used to write Him love songs, myself. I am missing that love that left me feeling so secure in who I am and confident in who He is. I pulled out my guitar and began to strum. All that I could focus on was how my callouses are completely gone and playing the guitar is now painful. How symbolic. I have some re-cultivating to do. But, I trust that the Lord will redeem the time that I have let waste away. He will once again draw me in close to Him. I am praying over myself that God would stir up in me a hunger so deep that I would not spend another moment apart from Him.

"Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." (James 4:8)


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