Wednesday, January 21


50th post.
hey hey.

I've been feeling an urgency lately to call on the LORD.. to run to the secret place.. to do things in secret and delight in it. And my pride and flesh is clinging to me. It's been a hard week and it's barely Thursday.

LORD, what would you have me do? Who would you have me spend time with? What would you have me spend my time on? I don't want to waste my life unless it's face down at your feet.

Everything in me wants to quit commitments, to say "That's it. I'm done." But, everything in me also says that's not me. That's not the LORD.

I can feel Him breaking me. Telling me "It can't be in your own strength." And I need to trust Him. And I want to be ruined. I know what I need, I know what I want. Flesh die.

I'm not satisfied. Not one bit.

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